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K12SK L WH0 1.5 5N O LFTZ

K12SK L WH0 1.5 5N O LFTZ

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K12SK L WH0 1.5 5N O LFTZ 数据手册
K12S Series High Performance SMT Key Switches (Cold White) Features/Benefits • Harsh environment applications • Compatible with SMT lead free Typical Applications • Automotive • Joysticks • Off-road transportation • Motorcycles • Industrial • Medical soldering process • • • • • NEW Illuminated Excellent tactile feel High reliability / long life Detect versions available RoHS compliant Construction: Electrical FUNCTION: Momentary CONTACT ARRANGEMENT: SPST CONTACT TYPE: NO or NC TERMINALS: SMT SWITCHING POWER MIN./MAX.: 0.02mW/3 W DC SWITCHING VOLTAGE MIN./MAX.: 2 V / 30 V DC SWITCHING CURRENT MIN./MAX.: 10 mA /100 mA DC DIELECTRIC STRENGTH: > 300 V RMS OPERATING LIFE: > 106 operations (detect version) / 2x105 operations (versions with tactile effect) CONTACT RESISTANCE: Initial < 100mΩ - After test < 250mΩ INSULATION RESISTANCE: >109 Ω BOUNCE TIME: < 10 ms Mechanical TOTAL TRAVEL: 1,5 mm OPERATING FORCE: 3N; 5N; 6N; 9N; 12N SEALING:  IP40 or IP67 * Environmental Packaging OPERATING TEMPERATURE: -40˚C to 85˚C STORAGE TEMPERATURE: -40˚C to 95˚C RoHS compliant and Halogen free Reels of 900 pieces (diameter 550mm) Reels of 300 pieces (diameter 360mm * High sealing grade (IP67): Only after customer coating operation Process SOLDERABILITY: Lead free soldering compatible How To Order Our easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box. D 1 2 S Sub-Series J IP40 with peg + ventilation hole * L IP40 without peg + ventilation hole * K IP67 with peg + ventilation hole M IP67 without peg + ventilation hole * Option L LED version (SPST) S SPST version D DPST version * 1 LED Color NONE No LED WH0 White Travel 1.5 1.5 mm * Please contact technical support for this configuration . 5 N L F T Operating Force 3N 3N (detect - no tactile) 5N 5N 6N 6N 9N 9N 12N 12N Contact Arrangement O Normally open C Normally closed OO 2 Normally open (DPST) CC* 2 Normally closed (DPST) OC* 1 Normally open 1 Normally closed (DPST) LFTW Translucent lens reel 900pcs LFTZ Translucent lens reel 300pcs Dimensions are shown: mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 23 Jun 22 D–3 www.ckswitches.com Key Switches K K12S Series High Performance SMT Key Switches (Cold White) NEW K12SJ / K12SL IP40 with peg / IP40 without peg (4x)2,1 (2x)2,4 (4X)2,35 2,1 3 (2x)7,8 4 RECOMMENDED PCB LAYOUT (Ventilation hole) prohibited area ø 3,1±0,05 1 2 4,1 4,5 With Peg Without Peg 1,7 1 1,3 9,1 ±0.15 ø 6,4 ø 3,26 ± 0,05 K12SK / K12SM IP67 with peg / IP67 without peg (4x)2,1 (2x)2,4 D (4X)2,35 2,1 (Ventilation hole) 3 (2x)7,8 Key Switches 4 D RECOMMENDED PCB LAYOUT prohibited area ø 3,1±0,05 1 2 4,1 4,5 9,1 ±0.15 Without Peg 1,7 1 1,3 ø 6,4 With Peg ø 3,26 ± 0,05 ø 11,2 Dimensions are shown: mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 23 Jun 22 D–4 www.ckswitches.com K12S Series High Performance SMT Key Switches (Cold White) NEW OPTION L LED version Single NO + LED Single NC + LED LED COLOR OPTION CODE LED COLOR WH0 White TRAVEL 1.5 1.5 mm OPERATING FORCE OPTION CODE OPERATING FORCE 3N 3N (detect - no tactile) 5N 5N 6N 6N 9N 9N 12N 12N D Normally open (SPST and LED versions) Normally closed (SPST and LED versions) TAPE AND REEL DIRECTION OF FEED 1,75 11,5 0.5 4 24 A 2 1,5 B B 24 SECTION A-A A 13,63 3,5 12 11,45 O C Key Switches CONTACT ARRANGEMENT SECTION B-B Dimensions are shown: mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 23 Jun 22 D–5 www.ckswitches.com K12S Series High Performance SMT Key Switches NEW Features/Benefits Typical Applications • Harsh environment applications - IP67 • Automotive • Compatible with SMT lead free • Joysticks soldering process • Off-road transportation • Illuminated • Motorcycles • Excellent tactile feel • Industrial • High reliability / long life • Medical • DPST and detect versions available • RoHS compliant Construction: Electrical FUNCTION: Momentary CONTACT ARRANGEMENT: SPST or DPST CONTACT TYPE: NO or NC TERMINALS: SMT SWITCHING POWER MIN./MAX.: 0.02mW/3 W DC SWITCHING VOLTAGE MIN./MAX.: 2 V / 30 V DC SWITCHING CURRENT MIN./MAX.: 10 mA /100 mA DC DIELECTRIC STRENGTH: > 300 V RMS OPERATING LIFE: > 106 operations (detect version) / 2x105 operations (versions with tactile effect ) CONTACT RESISTANCE: Initial < 100mΩ - After test < 250mΩ INSULATION RESISTANCE: >109 Ω BOUNCE TIME: < 10 ms Mechanical TOTAL TRAVEL: 1,5 mm OPERATING FORCE: 3N; 5N; 6N; 9N 4/8 N; 6/12 N; 12 N SEALING:  IP40 or IP67 Environmental Packaging OPERATING TEMPERATURE: -40˚C to 85˚C. STORAGE TEMPERATURE: -40˚C to 95˚C. RoHS compliant and Halogen free. Reels of 900 pieces Process SOLDERABILITY: Lead free soldering compatible. How To Order Our easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box. Key Switches D K 1 2 1 S Sub-Series A IP40 with peg B IP67 with peg C IP40 without peg D IP67 without peg Option S SPST version L LED version (SPST) D DPST version . LED Color NONE No LED YE0 Yellow RD0 Red GN0 Green OR0 Orange WH0 White AM0 Amber Travel 1.5 1.5 mm 5 N Operating Force 3N 3 N (detect - no tactile) 5N 5N 6N 6N 9N 9N 4/8N 4/8 N DPST (double step actuation) 6/12N 6/12 N DPST (double step actuation) 12N 12 N L Contact Arrangement O Normally open (SPST) C Normally closed (SPST) OO 2 Normally open (DPST) CC* 2 Normally closed (DPST) OC* 1 Normally open 1 Normally closed (DPST) F T X LFTX Lead free, RoHS terminals tin plated Translucent button * Please contact technical support for this configuration Dimensions are shown: mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 30 Jun 22 D–6 www.ckswitches.com K12S Series High Performance SMT Key Switches NEW K12SA/K12SC IP40 with peg / IP40 without peg 6,7 2,8 3 4 (2x)2,4 11,6 (4x)2,1 ø 10,8 (4X)2,35 2,1 RECOMMENDED PCB LAYOUT 3 12 4 2 (2x)7,8 1 prohibited area ø 3,1±0,05 1 2 4,1 4,5 With Peg Without Peg 1,7 1 1,3 9,1±0.15 ø 6,4 ø 3,26 ± 0,05 K12SB / K12SD IP67 with peg / IP67 without peg 6,7 2,8 3 4 (4X)2,35 D 2,1 3 12 4 2 (2x)7,8 1 RECOMMENDED PCB LAYOUT prohibited area ø 3,1±0,05 1 2 4,1 4,5 9,1±0.15 Without Peg 1,7 1 1,3 ø 6,4 With Peg ø 3,26 ± 0,05 ø 11,2 Dimensions are shown: mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 30 Jun 22 D–7 www.ckswitches.com Key Switches 11,6 (4x)2,1 (2x)2,4 K12S Series High Performance SMT Key Switches NEW OPTION S L SPST version Single NO D DPST version LED version Single NO + LED Single NC Single NC + LED Double NO Double NC LED COLOR OPTION CODE LED COLOR No LED YE0 Yellow RD0 Red GN0 Green OR0 Orange WH0 White AM0 Amber TRAVEL 1.5 1.5 mm OPERATING FORCE OPTION CODE OPERATING FORCE 3N 3N (detect - no tactile) 5N 5N 6N 6N 9N 9N 4/8N 4/8N (double step actuation) 6/12N 6/12N (double step actuation) CONTACT ARRANGEMENT O C OO Normally closed (SPST and LED versions) CC* OC* 2 Normally open (DPST version) * Please contact technical support for this configuration Normally open (SPST and LED versions) 2 Normally closed (DPST version) 1 Normally open/ 1 Normally closed (DPST) TAPE AND REEL DIRECTION OF FEED 1,75 11,5 0.5 4 24 A 2 1,5 B B 24 SECTION A-A A 13,63 3,5 12 11,45 Key Switches D SECTION B-B 30 Jun 22 D–8 Dimensions are shown: mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ckswitches.com
K12SK L WH0 1.5 5N O LFTZ 价格&库存

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